Thursday, October 22, 2009

Free sites kill business credibility

Ok, I've mentioned this before to some extent but am frankly back to being completely astounded by it.  90+ % of the stuff you see on line is a scam, or at least not truthful in it's advertising.  Most of us understand that fully.  What continues to confound me are those using free sites while promoting things that will make people Millions, Billions, or whatever.  Hello???  How stupid are you?  Nobody promoting anything promising riches is actually rich.  Those promoting (whatever it is) are far from it.  STOP.  Business and marketing as it hits the internet or confounds it, is what it has always been.  You need to sell product and you need to do it in volume if at all possible.
The marketers of today push stuff today knowing full well they will be onto the next scam tomorrow.
Rule 1 for those getting in now....DO NOT BELIEVE anyone who pimps ANYTHING that claims you will make money if they are doing it from a BLOGGER (for instance) free site.  Delete that email or whatever medium it comes in INSTANTLY.
Don't get me wrong.  I have used free BLOGGER TYPE accounts for years.  I enjoy starting them.  They are an indication of one thing however; people with no money who are desperately trying to make some.  Yes starting up a business on or off line is expensive.  However, I am reminded by the "you get what you pay for mantra."  It is true.  Sock some money into advertising and then adjust accordingly.  Do not however, EVER promote business opps simply using free services....That, is an immediate turn-off and red flag for most.

Real business success comes with blood, sweat and years of toil.  Bottom line.
If you want to start that process as a millionaire, ya better be one when you engage in it.
Otherwise, you are simply a liar.

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