Friday, November 27, 2009

Google Speed Rumor Appears True

http://onequartlow.comAlthough SEO stuff with Google is about as easy as stuffing Santa Clause down a 2-inch pipe, the recent rumors about yet another “change” in how the world’s biggest, most popular search engine indexes sites and site popularity appears to be coming to fruition. Site speed has been rumored for a while now as something the Googly machine was considering a hard look at. Well, the rumor looks real to many now.

How fast is/are your site(s)? Check Here for Free.

It isn’t as though site speed hasn’t been relevant for some time, but when the God-Machine weighs in it tends to get people’s attention. The problem with this may be for the big, traditional companies who may or may not even have an SEO type of staff. You will see peel off types grabbing up Wal-Mart (for example) and really irritating the searcher. I don’t think Google will get crazy with site speed, but I do think the analytical piece matters to a degree.

With the new host and dedicated server, comes in around 2.4 seconds which is acceptable. Unfortunately, this blog is a beast and of the turtle variety with respect to speed. I will rationalize that folks actually going to blogs are more likely to stick around to see em, but this is dangerous as well. We will be looking at some tools in the future to help address some of these issues. Best of luck.

1 comment:

  1. When I check my website on Google, it pops up promptly-in about .25 to .27 seconds (according to Google). I'd think that was pretty fast, but the "boys" at Vertain seem to think it won't load in less than 13 seconds! Um, guys, it's a dedicated server. I'd say you all are the ones with the issue, not me; and I'm darned if I'll spend the cash to purchase your software.
